On Art & Thirst

Noella M. Lepdung
3 min readNov 25, 2020


The feeling you wallow in when you neglect your art is akin to thirst.

I know the feeling all too well; because for many years, I simply stopped writing. I didn’t have a good enough reason; but I felt hollow and I was going through many changes and many seasons. So, my art was easily sacrificed on the altar of inertia. It was the easiest ram to slaughter, even though I could have slaughtered so many other sick ones. But it was art that had to go.

I think that there’s something wrong with the thought process that automatically places your art at the bottom of the totem pole. Horribly wrong, in fact.

Because art is like water.

If you’re born with the keenness and skill for art (or, if you develop same) then it is a part of your bloodstream that you will never be whole without.

I know, I know — water isn’t a part of your bloodstream. But you get the point, right? Let me have some poetic license for that metaphor.

You need your art to breathe properly. I say so because I have realized that people do not necessarily live whole lives until they have found the form of self-expression that is truly theirs. Some people teach. Some cook to express themselves, believe it or not. Some study for years and find the greatest expression of self in the application of what they’ve studied, and some crochet beautiful clothing. Some sell; pure dexterity shining through in every word of persuasion they use to lure buyers. People do a wide variety of things.

And then there are those of us who express our highest selves through art.

I would like to say, rather objectively and (as unbelievable as this probably sounds) unselfishly, that we artists are the highest beings. And I say this regardless of what sort of art you engage in. I have no explanation for why, really. Interpret as you please.

Tell me; do you feel the itch in your hands when you don’t satisfy the yearning of your heart — I mean, your art?

Writers, do you feel the words and phrases bubble up inside of you like water testing the barricades of a dam? I do. Are you ever in the middle of a random activity and feel a smooth phrase that you just know would be perfect for a certain type of scene — drop right into your soul?

Painters, do you fall asleep and dream of the swirl of colours and shapes?

*insert dramatic sigh*

Be free, okay? Here’s your sign to let it all out. Don’t hold back, allow the very essence of your gift to be expressed. And here’s one for the writers — I’m not talking about mercenary writing. The mechanical tap-tapping on your keyboard that you do to express somebody else’s dreams, within somebody else’s parameters. You can tell yourself, “But this is writing, anyhow. I’m expressing my art!” all you want, but it won’t make it any truer.

Write for yourself. Explore opportunities to share, but make sure you’re writing for yourself. Make sure each text has the signature of your heart. That’s the true copyright, you know. No one can ever replicate this.

Keep expressing yourself through art.

With love,

One of you.



Noella M. Lepdung
Noella M. Lepdung

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