Loyalty to Self: the Ultimate Lifehack

2020 is almost here; what to do?

Noella M. Lepdung
2 min readDec 31, 2019

It's the last day of 2019. The last few hours too; at least in the time zone I'm in.

There's a deep sense of unease (okay, not that deep— just vague and unsettling) that I'm dealing with right now. And I know exactly why. It's the different goals that I haven't achieved this year; the promises I made to myself that I didn't fulfill.

Deep reflection isn't only helpful when you're about to start things; it's very crucial when you're ending things, too. I mean; how else do you figure out what worked and what didn't?

So I've been thinking. A lot. And I realize that while I prioritize my family relationships, friendships and my somewhat sporadic romantic ties, I haven't really prioritized commitment to myself and to my goals.

When I make a promise to someone, I fully realize that my integrity is on the line, and so I act accordingly.

So where's this sense of accountability when I make promises to myself? Why don't I feel important enough to demand results from myself? And why exactly can't I call myself out when I mess up or let laziness get in the way of fulfilling my promises to myself?

We have gotta elevate our selves in our minds. From "oh, it’s just lil old me," to something more along the lines of "I’m a person and I’m a person who matters."

In 2020, I’m gonna live like the promises I make to myself are just as important and weighty as the ones I make to people I care about (or people I don’t care about). Because they are.

So help me God.



Noella M. Lepdung
Noella M. Lepdung

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